Thursday, August 25, 2011


my first full day of school was quite interesting... an earthquake? lol yes! in MD? yes! to say the least we had nooo idea what in the world was happening. we've never had an earthquake any where near us before.. or at least that we remember.

i only have 5 classes this year. my day goes like this:
Bible class
Government history (blah)
Consumer Math
study hall
Grammar/vocab/British literature
study hall

history i don't like. vocab I'm not good at... so those are the two hardest/ worst subjects i have.

it should be a fun year!

oh and by the way... next week is my church's camp meetings... they are super awesome! anyone reading this should come! if you need directions just contact me through the comment section or email me or facebook me! if  you don't come you are missing out!

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