my mom, 2 bros, aunt and uncle all came to my house for Christmas. it was fun! we had ham for supper or lunch..what ever it's was inbetween lunch and supper..soo anyhows..we still haven't found Possum (read my last post if you haven't) and its raining/sleeting here, so hopefully she's under something warm and dry. we saw new foot prints @ the vets this morning. and we should be going back tomarrow morning to look for her. i really hope we can find her. my aunt and uncle are flying up from GA tomarrow. i'm super excited about that. but i wish my cousins could come up too, but one is in Iraq and one the other is prob. going they couldn't come..well i'll post later!
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*miss you Sands* :)
Friday, December 25, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
poor possum
my kitten possum had to have surgery yesterday. part of her insides came out. it was really gross!!! we get to go pick her up tomorrow! i can't wait to see her. i was super worried about her. any hows. Christmas break is going good..other than that, haven't been doing much. we got close to 20 inches of snow!! which is awesome!! i love snow!!!!!! i hope every one has a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Christmas break!!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
long time no post, kiddo!
hehe, thanks for reminding me to post sands!!! wow, i didn't realize it had been a month since i last posted. well, thanksgiving went good. it was fun. the saterday before thanksgiving the youth group made food and took it to the widows of the church and then some people that didn't have much food. that was really fun. this friday is the recital, i'm hoping i get better by then, i'm home from school. i don't like being sickly..
this is a pic from our Parent Appreciation Dinner, but i can't figure out how to rotate the pic..
this is a pic from our Parent Appreciation Dinner, but i can't figure out how to rotate the pic..
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
this is my 50th post..i'm really hoping the phillies can win tomarrow night and send the world series into game 7!! GO PHILLIES!! fri. night is the parent appreciation dinner. hopefully that will go well. we're started to get everything wraped up w/that..i just need to practice what i'm playin' for it. nuthin' much else is happenin' visitation is Saterday..
so i'll post later
so i'll post later
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
JR church activities!
the 24th we had an activity for the Jr. Chruch. it was soooo much fun!! i helped w/the 4 and 5 year olds!! the Bradshaws got a moonbounce and a big slide!!! it was awesome. we all had just as much fun as the kiddos did!! then mr. S gave the message. it was really good.!! the 6th of Nov. we have a parent appreciation. i hope that goes well. if it does, it should be tons of fun!! tonight is the 1st game of the World Series!! i'm super excited and i really hope the Phillies win!!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
haven't been doing' much. Saturday was dawn and Jeff bakers wedding. me, Paige,and mace, all worked in the nursery it was tons of fun!!! we had, my abbygirl, joeys, Emanuel, Cara, Sydney!! 3 of those are all under 6 months..then i went and helped w/the food. we moved chairs all week into the gym (me and Paige) that's allot of work. we prob carried over 200 chairs..afterwards we stayed and the guys played football..then never let me play football w/em!! anyhow somehow i hurt my knee.idk how. its somewhat better now. Saturday night i could just barely walk on it. it was all fun tho!!! school going good. end of the first making period is coming up next week. we are getting are recital pieces ready, ALREADY!!! :( fun fun.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
a new baby!!
hehe. i so can't wait!! Mrs. S is goin' to have another baby!!! i figured this would be a way for alot of you to find out if ya don't already know!! I'm super excited!! this will be numb. 5!! Thursday night we had a surprise b-day party for Mr. s. we got him a tie that had Mr. S on it. hehe. it was awesome fun!!! his birthday was the 28Th
Thursday, September 17, 2009
nuthin' new
so, not much has been going on, last Saturday the men's prayer breakfast went well, after we fixed the food Mrs. s took us out to Jo Jo's hot dogs. it was good!! even though the blueberries in my pancake tasted oh well. so far Spanish is going good. i got a 81 on my first test. I'll post if anything interesting happens.. bye bye
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Spanish is going pretty well surprisingly. i figured it would be my hardest class, and im sure when we start learning the bigger words and such it will be..anyhows..saterday we're having a bridal shower for Miss Coffin. the wedding is sometime in October. oh yah..and a HAPPY ONE MONTH ANNIVERSARY to sands and shane!!! (but I'm 3 days late,sorry bout that!) miss you guys!!
Monday, August 17, 2009
one week
next monday i start school..and tuesday we start volleyball practice!! yay. saterday we had an outing at Grams that was tons of fun!! we played kickball, whiffle ball, and then more kickball. from 11 to prob 8:30!! it was sooo fun..and i only got sunburned on my nose and part of my face lol
Monday, August 10, 2009
this saterday we have an outing at Gram's!! i love going to her house. she's sooo much fun! please pray for mr. nissley as he is now pastoring his own church!! i'm super happy for them!! i really miss them though! school starts the 24th. and sometime volleyball practice starts. i'm really excited about that, cause we're only playing w/4!!! hmmm, that will be fun and interesting...hopefully we'll all put are minds to it, and win!
Friday, July 31, 2009
only one more day!!!
only one more day till shane and sands wedding!!! i'm super excited and happy for them!!!!
tonight i'm going w/the crews' to the demolition derby!!!! should be soooo awesome!!!
tonight i'm going w/the crews' to the demolition derby!!!! should be soooo awesome!!!
Monday, July 27, 2009
almost 4 weeks
it's been almost 4 weeks since i last posted. last week we had VBT it was fun. i worked in the nursery. i had joey, abbygirl, and levi for the whole week and on friday i had bailey and lydia also!! tonight is orentation for school. i'm kinda excited about school. i only have this year plus 2 more!!! and i can start driving in Jan.!! super excited about that.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
My Sands
i know two Sands now...but i like one much better...the person!! :) hehe, we stayed in the Sands Motel.
me and Jared caught some crabs. and we got shells from the ocean. at night, some of the waves would me over my head...which isn't very tall...but..anywhos. it was fun. we also went to Ripples Believe it or not museum.
Friday, June 19, 2009
tomarrow, if it's not raining, me, my mom and brothers are going up to NJ for the week. should be tons of fun, so you proabably won't hear from me for atleast a week. hope ya'll have a fun week!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, June 15, 2009
day at the shulls
i love rainbows! it was right behind my house
Saturday we had Emily shulls graduation party!! so much fun!!! it's always fun at their house! we played in the ran!!! that's becoming a habit now!! got soaked, couldn't go in the house,lol.! we dried then they played their instruments! then we just fooled around...walked to the store and got Monsters, and you can't forget the waving at strangers!!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
my favorite little buddy!! and he now calls me Kimmy!!
the S's over nighter was awesome!! first we went out and played on the trampoline (around 9 @ night) fun, fun!! then we had a devotional. then we played games till about 3 A.M. then we watched Enchanted!! i like that movie, i had never seen it before!! me and Paige never went to sleep, so right now I've been awake for about 35 hrs!! awesome! in 2 days i have had 4 1/2 monsters!!!! Bethy and Mace pasted out around 4-5 A.M.!!Mrs. S. make AWESOMEs breakfast!!!!!! verry good!!
Joey is talking so much more! and my Abbygirl is going to be 5 months!!!!! 5 months!!!
so far this week i'm not doing much, i'm starting my flute lessons for the summer!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
i got a TROPHY!!!!!! tonight was awards night! since we didn't have a tornament this season and we went undefeated they decided to get us trophys!! they're awsome!! i've never gotten a trophy before!!! tomarrow night we have an over night outing at the S's house.! i got to sign Joshy's cast tonight too!!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
i wonder who took this picture?
this week I've been somewhat sickly. i have really bad allergies, and then i got an ear infection, then a sinus infection. fun, fun! I'm almost better now. this Friday we are having an overnight outing at the S's house! so much fun over at 5 in the morning waking up the neighbors because we're on the trampoline!! i love their trampoline!!!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
summer fun!

this wasn't exactly in the summer, but it's still fun. this was taken at the shull's house when we went over there.
so far this summer i haven't done much. we probably won't be having as many outings because of Joshy's leg. i hope he gets better really not be able to run around has to be hard! as far as i know he wen to day to get a cast.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
i'm already board so i decided to fool around w/my template. i came up w/this Marine one!!! i think it's totally awsome!
i've been posting pics on fb but since mos tof you don't have facebook i'll but some of them on here.
this is the phillies turtle shane and sands gave me for my b-day!!

sunday school.! i am not helping w/the 2 and 3 year olds sunday school class! tons of fun!
i've been posting pics on fb but since mos tof you don't have facebook i'll but some of them on here.
this is the phillies turtle shane and sands gave me for my b-day!!
sunday school.! i am not helping w/the 2 and 3 year olds sunday school class! tons of fun!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Raul Ibaniz
i feel so bad for Joshy. update on him. he broke his leg in two places. that tuesday he had to have it "bent" into place. ouch! next tuesday they put a cast on it. right now there is a wrap on it. i feel so bad. he can't run around or even walk hardly. he has soooo much energy and won't be able to get it out. poor kiddo!
#29 on the Phillies is Raul Ibaniz. that's what number of post this is.
SCHOOL'S OUT FOR THE SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#29 on the Phillies is Raul Ibaniz. that's what number of post this is.
SCHOOL'S OUT FOR THE SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Joshie broke his leg. please pray for him and the S's cause they have to carry him around every where. and they have Abbygirl. they were playin' on the trampalene yesterday when it happened.
Monday, May 18, 2009
tuesday and wed. we have exams. thursday we have off school. friday would start @ 9:30 but i have to go in for graduation practice cause us high school girlys are singing. lucky us....anyhows. friday is our LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! i can't wait for school to be over.! after this...only 3 more time has gone by sooooo fast!
Monday, May 11, 2009
for ashley
so, ashley wanted me to i did...i should post about wheelchair's (ashley knows what i'm talkin about and i can garentee she laughed) but i'm not going to....i'm going to post...about how hard it is to type w/a broken ring finger! it's verry hard! anyhows the outing @ Gram's was tons of fun! no matter how bad my finger hurts or my sunburns! it was awsome! i love going to gram's!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
this saterday we're haveing an outing @ gram's. outings at her house are always super fun! we will be have an allday kickball rally! super fun! last time it rained....but we stilled played. it's awsome to play in the rain! so much fun!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Of Love!
Saterday the S's surprise aniversery party went awsome! they really liked it! we had pizza, and cake....and baloons!!! we all love baloons!! afterwards they took us to their house and we played on their trampaline for 3hrs strait!! it was crazy awsome fun!!the kiddos are still playin' w/the baloons. their was around 13 baloons!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Happy Buddy Day
i love surprises!! well saterday their is going to be a "surprise" for
mr. and mrs. s.!!! i'm not going to say what in case they read my blg...i wouldn't want to ruin it for them!! sometime saterday i'll post pics of it!!! ;)
mr. and mrs. s.!!! i'm not going to say what in case they read my blg...i wouldn't want to ruin it for them!! sometime saterday i'll post pics of it!!! ;)
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Spring break and alergies!
so. today is the third day of spring break! super fun so far. day 1 was spend at the Simmers house....tons of fun by-the-way! day 2 @ home day 3 at church. as of right now not to many things are going to be hapening around here this week. i'm going out w/my mom probably thursday! that will be fun!
my alergies are really acting up. i think alot of it is because of Skipper and how he's shedding. pluss the flowers and trees are blooming. and there's a bunch of flowers in church that have bloomed and you can smell them all through the church. oh well, i love flowers anyhow!!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday School!

this sunday morning the youth group did junior church. it was tons of fun. i did act 2 and 3 of the play we were doing, ran upstairs, did offering, came back down, played my flute w/lucas playing the piano. busy,....but tons of fun. i love to do things w/the junior church. we will probably be doing it agian soon!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
basketball tornament
Thursday, March 26, 2009
basketball tornament
this saterday is the guys basketball tornament. so far Liberty (open bible and bethany baptist), Capital, and New Freedom are coming. we're not sure if anyone else is comeing. the guys have a very good chance at getting first! i so hope they do. it will be awsome to finally ba able to put another 1st place trophy up. the last tornament we had the girls (volleyball) got 2nd and the guys got 2nd!
Sunday morning the youth group will be doing junior church. i love working w/the little kiddos. i have been helping with the 2 and 3 year class some. it's tons of fun. last time we were w/jc. we did a pupit show, this time we are doing a play. Lucas will be preaching, so it will be very interesting!!!
Sunday morning the youth group will be doing junior church. i love working w/the little kiddos. i have been helping with the 2 and 3 year class some. it's tons of fun. last time we were w/jc. we did a pupit show, this time we are doing a play. Lucas will be preaching, so it will be very interesting!!!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
no school
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
today and yesterday we dissected frogs! it was surprisingly fun. no one threw up like last time. we had to take out all of it's guts and such. Ashley's frog had 2 bugs in it's instine!!
Friday, February 20, 2009
we finally got to dissect the crawfish today. i started getting sick because i'm allergic to shellfish and such. i still don't feel completly right. tomarrow we are going to Mt. Zion for the volleyball tornament. that should be fun, except for the carpit on the floor. i don't like that cause i allways dive and you can't use knee pads. so you can expect me to come to church sunday will rug burns!!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
i'm home from school today sick. my throat hurts somewhat. other than that i'm not sick.
the ice skating was fun...other than paige getting hurt and having to get stiches. i didn't fall any. we went to friendlys to eat. that was tons of fun. including the surprise "birthday" for mr. S.
the ice skating was fun...other than paige getting hurt and having to get stiches. i didn't fall any. we went to friendlys to eat. that was tons of fun. including the surprise "birthday" for mr. S.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Ice Skating
tonight the S's will be taking us Ice Skating. i have only been once before when they took us. it should be tons of fun, and i'm going to go for not falling at all!! last time i keep getting triped and steped on.!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
today during biology we got to disect a worm!! it was somewhat fun...i'm not really looking forward to the frog.
Friday, February 6, 2009
vb games
the volleyball and basketball games went well, no one got hurt!! my hand is swelling agian. it usually does after i do any type of sport. and i got to hold Abbygirl agian!! she is soooo cute, but Joey gets so made at me when i hold her! :o(
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