Tuesday, June 5, 2012


This post is probably going to have more pictures from my graduation then words. lol everything went very well for my graduation and there was even a beautiful rainbow!!! i was soooo excited to be able to see some of my Friends that i hadn't seen in FOREVER! it was awesome! i think i was much more excited about seeing them then actually getting my diploma! lol

me walkin down


HAHAHA me n drew

me n k8

me n lukayyy

me n Smadams

me n my bren!

Pastor and Mrs. Nissley!
i was sooo glad he was able to preach for my graduation

Emzo me n Sammi

me n Mrs. S <3

a beautiful rainbow

me n Chancers!

me n Ashyley!

1 comment:

Erin Rae said...

Woo-Hoo!Way to go Kim!Sorry we couldn't be there,although it looks like you had a pretty good time!