Monday, September 19, 2011

strawberry lemonade

did you know that old pudding smells like puke? haha trust me... its not something you want to smell.

anywho's nothing cool or interesting has been happening. school, school, and more school.

The PHILLIES clinched the NL East Saturday night! it was E_P_I_C! they could have the night before, and attempted to (Chooch had an amazing double that was dropped by the right fielder, and to say the least every Philly phan i know was up and yelling a cheering for him) i can't wait for the Post Season and then the World Series! PHILLIES ALL THE WAY! " 2011 Philadelphia Phillies Baby"

Eagle were so-so yesterday. they definitely would have won if Vick didn't get hurt! he so needs to get better. but i know concussions are no fun. hopefully it won't be a bad one.

Steelers did sooo much better yesterday than they did the week before.

Please pray for my friend, Ashley's dad. He went into the hospital with massive kidney failure last week!
thanks so much!


Jessica Curtis said...

Praying for Ashley's dad. Also...where's the strawberry lemonade??? ;)

Adorable header.

Kimmay said...

hehe, i drank it all while i was writing this post :) it was yummo! definitely my favorite drink right now. (frozen)