Saturday, December 22, 2012

All Done

my first semester is over with! yaya. it definitely when by super fast!  i got two A's one B and one C.
My classes for next semester are Biology, Biology Labs, Math, English, and Psychology! everyone keeps telling me I'm taking a lot of hard classes at one time..but i think i can do it (=

i wish i had more interesting things to post on here...i know in like 10 years I'll wish i would have written more. haha


*5 more sleeps*

Monday, December 10, 2012

first semester

so my first semester of college is almost over with! i have my psychology final on Wednesday and my last photography class on Thursday then I'm done!! I'm so excited to be done...but it went very fast! i have my classes scheduled for next semester..i guess I'll save that for another post though :p
i cant wait to get started into the actually nursing classes! everyone still keeps telling me i should go into photography though -_-

*17 more sleeps*