Friday, February 20, 2009


we finally got to dissect the crawfish today. i started getting sick because i'm allergic to shellfish and such. i still don't feel completly right. tomarrow we are going to Mt. Zion for the volleyball tornament. that should be fun, except for the carpit on the floor. i don't like that cause i allways dive and you can't use knee pads. so you can expect me to come to church sunday will rug burns!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


i'm home from school today sick. my throat hurts somewhat. other than that i'm not sick.
the ice skating was fun...other than paige getting hurt and having to get stiches. i didn't fall any. we went to friendlys to eat. that was tons of fun. including the surprise "birthday" for mr. S.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Ice Skating

tonight the S's will be taking us Ice Skating. i have only been once before when they took us. it should be tons of fun, and i'm going to go for not falling at all!! last time i keep getting triped and steped on.!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


today during biology we got to disect a worm!! it was somewhat fun...i'm not really looking forward to the frog.

Friday, February 6, 2009

vb games

the volleyball and basketball games went well, no one got hurt!! my hand is swelling agian. it usually does after i do any type of sport. and i got to hold Abbygirl agian!! she is soooo cute, but Joey gets so made at me when i hold her! :o(

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


so this is Skipper, he rolled in the mud...not fun for me to clean up!!


nothing much has been happening, i've been going to school..and that's it. it snowed today and yesterday! i was verry glad bout that. this friday we have a volleyball game and the guys have a basketball game. i'm hoping we will both win!!